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Thursday, June 21, 2007

My Mom

For those of you who know about my mom's illness, she is doing very, very well. I think her trip down here was the longest she has taken since she was so sick and she did great. I don't know if life will ever be quite the same for her or any of us for that matter, but I guess that's because a challenge like the one she faced is life changing and definitely forces you to grow. We are all very thankful to still have her with us and have learned to value even more, the time we have together as a family. Joseph and my parents just LOVE each other and for that I am very thankful as well!


Foxy Roxie said...

I am just SO cute! ☺ No, really, I know I'm not. But I do love Joseph! Mandy, thank you for your deep thoughts and sweet note about me. God has truly blessed our family with a wonderful spirit!

Stephanie said...

Thanks for that update especially. A definite relief to hear. Love you!