Jackson Daniel JayeI am blogging on behalf of my little sister Mandy, her husband Joseph and the new little prince in their life--
Jackson Daniel Jaye! (So if I am given to bragging a bit you'll know it is not coming from humble Mandy.)
November 17, 2008 at
5:25 pm, Joseph and Mandy welcomed little Jackson into this big world! He weighed in at
7 lbs, 15 oz and is
19 inches long.
He has blue eyes, floppy ears, Joseph's eyebrows, Mandy's beautiful lips, and golden fuzz for hair! We think he is absolutely handsome! God is good and we are thrilled to be a part of this blessing of new life!
Birthing is hard work! He was ready for a rest right away--as I am sure they all were!

Wide eyed and taking it all in.

Proud Mama and Daddy with their little man. I am hoping to get a good family photo when I go visit in a couple of weeks--will post then!

Any one of you who have been through labor know this feeling all too well--utter exhaustion and utter joy all rolled in one! When I asked Mandy if there was anything she wanted me to post specifically she said, just tell them how blessed we are and ask for prayers! We are there for ya Mandy!

How dare they take all his clothes off to weigh him!

Chillaxin with Daddy!
One Day Old!
This livin' is hard work--Mandy said she can hardly keep him awake!
Boby holding her newest grandbaby--her will of iron made an apearance to get her there in time for the birth--I don't think an army of ten thousand men could have held her back! What joy!

OK, so Papa Paul tells me Boby is not too good at sharing, surprise anyone?

Papa managed to wrangle him away for a few moments!